About John Foster
John Foster, an international oil economist with more than 40 years of experience, has held positions with the World Bank, Inter American Development Bank, Petro Canada and British Petroleum. In the past decade, he has given many talks on petroleum rivalries and conflicts at universities, foreign affairs groups, and associations across Canada. He has been interviewed on radio, TV and podcasts.
His articles have appeared in numerous newspapers, periodicals and websites. His book, Oil and World Politics – the Real Story of Today’s Conflict Zones, was published in 2018 by Lorimer Publishing. His research in 2008 on Afghanistan and pipeline politics, A Pipeline Through a Troubled Land, was published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (over 200,000 downloads), and became banner headlines in the Globe and Mail.Â
Born in London England, he graduated from Cambridge University in economics and law. He served in the Royal Navy and went to Suez. He has worked in London, Montreal, Washington DCÂ (twice), and Ottawa. His interests include current affairs, cryptic crossword and choral singing.

Featured in: Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, CCPA Monitor, Open Canada
John Foster, Speaker & Author
John Foster is an international oil economist, and author, with more than 40 years of experience. His articles have appeared in numerous newspapers, periodicals and websites. His book, Oil and World Politics – the Real Story of Today’s Conflict Zones, was published in 2018. Born in London England, he graduated from Cambridge University. He has held positions with the World Bank, Inter American Development Bank, Petro Canada and British Petroleum.